Welcome post
Welcome new residents to their new home

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Reach new residents without coverage wastage. Take this opportunity to address this target group with suitable offers from your company.

Advantages of “Welcome post”

  • An attractive target group that is keen to buy, has a high demand for new purchases and is open to changing contracts.
  • It is possible to target the individuals’ current life situation.
  • No coverage wastage, as “No advertising” stickers do not apply to addressed mailings.
  • Effective co-branding with Post CH Ltd.

Service: what’s included in “Welcome post”

Swiss Post sends a personalized welcome letter to people who have relocated. This contains an information letter and a voucher booklet. You can draw attention to your offers with an advert inside the booklet.

A sought-after advertising medium

The welcome post is formulated in three languages and has established itself as a dynamic advertising medium. Its popularity triggers strong purchasing behaviour. The voucher booklet in the Swiss Post design also creates additional trust and attracts attention.

Greater resonance

You can increase the response rate of your campaign with detachable vouchers. You have the option to design your ad with up to three detachable vouchers. This allows you to appeal to a young, affluent target group in particular.

Ensure exclusivity

When you book your advertising space, we guarantee that no adverts from direct competitors will appear in the same category. You enjoy exclusivity, and your advert stands out with no direct competition. The “first come, first served” principle applies.

In detail

Introduce your company to new residents!
Contact us – we would be happy to advise you.