Political solution
Get your political campaign off to a good start

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A good choice for your next political campaign. We intelligently combine print, online and screen advertising to help you succeed with your voting and election goals. This allows you to reach your electorate exactly where your message will have an impact – at home, on the move, online or at work.

Advantages of the political solution

  • We are your competent partner for all these measures – ensuring efficiency and engagement. And your advertising francs stay in Switzerland.
  • You decide whether your campaign is implemented locally, regionally or nationally. This will maximize your reach within your constituency.
  • We skilfully combine offline and online measures so that you benefit from high visibility and a bundled advertising service.

Suitable products for your political advertising

To maximize the success of your voting and election goals, we combine digital and physical channels, coordinate them and guide your political campaign to success. This enables you to target your electorate precisely and advertise more efficiently.

Do you want to reach all of Switzerland with us?
Contact us!