Strengthen customer relationships
Retaining your customers in the long term

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Good relationships with your customers contribute significantly to the success of your company. Customer retention requires personal communication across all channels – physical or digital. Strengthen your bond with your customers with our addressed direct mailing solutions. We are also happy to support you in the areas of creation and address management. Advertising with a personalized approach makes a lasting impression and triggers action.

Three tips for lasting customer loyalty

  • Communicate with your customers directly and personally. To make your offer as relevant as possible, it is worth considering their point of view and responding specifically to their needs.
  • Show your customers how valuable they are to you with small tokens of your appreciation. Loyalty points and discount coupons are suitable for this, as are personalized thank-you notes or exclusive invitations to events.
  • Keep your address database up to date at all times. Misspelled names or duplicate mailings are not appreciated.

Our products for solid customer retention

Do you want your customers to remain loyal to you, continue to shop with you again and again, or even recommend you to others? Our advertising products and services help you to strengthen the bond with your customers and give you an advantage over the competition.

Reach your existing customers with digital information – quickly, personally and cost-effectively.

Plan campaigns

With the right channel mix, you can reach your target audience at the right time and place. We would be happy to help you with your next campaign. Choose between our tried-and-tested solutions or designing your own tailored campaign. We will be happy to work with you to define the ideal channel mix, target area, duration and advertising impact for your campaign.

Your success in dialogue marketing
With 360° support

From creation to implementation – we guide you through the entire campaign process for your direct mailing. Benefit from our comprehensive expertise.

Practical examples
How to make advertising with impact

Would you like to strengthen your customer relationships?
We would be happy to advise you.