Plan cross-media campaigns
Tailored to your advertising goals

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Do you want to engage with people’s emotions and inspire them with your advertising campaign? Our cross-channel approach combines different channels effectively to convey your message in a targeted and impactful way.

Our cross-media campaign service

Use cross-channel advertising to ensure your online and/or offline presence. We communicate your advertising messages consistently across different channels to strengthen your advertising impact. With individual advice and a customized strategy, we actively support you from planning and implementation to the follow-up for your campaign.

How cross-media advertising works with Post Advertising

  1. 1

    Briefing / kick-off

    We start with a briefing and kick-off meeting. This is where we jointly define the goals and expectations of the campaign.

  2. 2

    Target group and area

    We use internal and external data sources to analyse the geographical target area for the campaign based on your target group.

  3. 3

    Concept creation

    Based on the preferences of your target group, we choose the most effective channels for your campaign. We create a concept and a timeline so that your message is communicated in the right place at the right time.

  4. 4

    Implementation and coordination

    An experienced project manager will support you through the implementation phase. We coordinate all aspects and quickly meet any challenges.

  5. 5

    Tracking and optimizations

    We run the campaign, activate the tracking and optimize it continuously. This is how we maximize the effectiveness of the campaign.

  6. 6

    Reporting and follow-up processing

    During the campaign, we provide you with regular analyses, and at the end of the campaign, we prepare a final report for you. This allows us to gain deeper insights and give you strategic recommendations for future campaigns.

Are you interested in a customized campaign?

Whether on public transport, on your smartphone or in your private letter box – cross-media advertising campaigns with Post Advertising enable you can reach your target group at the right time and in the right place.

Cross-channel solutions
Effective solutions for your advertising goals

Practical examples
How to make advertising with impact

Network channels, maximize reach!
We will help you with your next cross-media campaign.