E-mail marketing
Low costs, high efficiency

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E-mail marketing offers many advantages, including personalized advertising, precise tracking and simple A/B testing to name just a few. Send effective advertising to your target group!

Advantages of e-mail marketing

  • Thanks to segmentation and personalization, your messages reach your chosen target group.
  • The success of your campaign can be measured, analysed and therefore optimized in a targeted manner.
  • You can also increase your reach with advertising in existing newsletters from Swiss Post, PostBus and our partner SBB.
  • E-mail marketing can be optimally combined with physical mailings to increase your conversion rate.
  • With us as your partner, you benefit from the ability to target over one million current e-mail addresses with corresponding physical addresses. These come from our own database, are verified for postal correctness and are up to date.

What is e-mail marketing suitable for?

With e-mail marketing, you can get your message across to your target group clearly and precisely.

E-mail marketing is suitable in the following cases, to name just a few:

  • To make customers aware of promotions and special offers
  • To strengthen customer loyalty or obtain feedback
  • To identify and acquire potential customers
  • To generate donations as an NGO

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