Increase revenue
Trigger purchasing behaviour with effective advertising

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Whether you want to generate new customers or activate existing customers – you can use our effective advertising measures to trigger purchasing behaviour and boost your sales. Our cross-media products help you to sustainably increase your company’s success and accompany your customers along the entire customer journey.

Three tips for better business success

  • Boost the impact of your direct mailings with vouchers and coupons to communicate purchasing benefits and trigger purchasing behaviour.
  • Special days, such as shopping days, Christmas or Easter, are suitable for targeted communication of your offers to boost revenue and attract new customers.
  • Advertise with digital and physical measures along the customer journey and stay in your customers’ minds until they make a purchase decision.

Our products for more revenue

Appeal to your target group’s purchasing desires. In addition to digital outdoor advertising, we also use dialogue marketing tools such as addressed advertising letters, unaddressed flyers and brochures. We also offer you advertising opportunities directly at the point of sale.

With digital screens, your advertising can be wherever your target group is – in public spaces, in shops, at petrol stations or on public transport. Our advertising network offers you maximum reach for your brand and message on large and small screens.

Plan campaigns

With the right channel mix, you can reach your target audience at the right time and place. We would be happy to help you with your next campaign. Choose between our tried-and-tested solutions or designing your own tailored campaign. We will be happy to work with you to define the ideal channel mix, target area, duration and advertising impact for your campaign.

Practical examples
How to make advertising with impact

Do you want to boost your revenue?
We would be happy to advise you.